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Zero Tolerance Abuse Policy

W are committed to providing a positive, respectful experience for every customer. Our team works diligently for your spa and pool heater needs.

We recognize that issues may occasionally arise, and we are here to help. However, we have a zero-tolerance policy for any form of abuse, including but not limited to:

  • Profanity, swearing, or derogatory language 
  • Raised voices or shouting
  • Aggressive or threatening language
  • Discriminatory or sexist remarks
  • Rude, disrespectful, or belittling comments
  • Demanding behavior, exclamation marks indicating hostility, or any form of bullying

At the first sign of such behavior, we reserve the right to immediately cease communication. We will terminate our business relationship with the customer entirely.

Please remember, our team members are here to help and deserve the same respect they extend to you. This is the pool and spa industry, with first-world luxuries!

This is a reminder to keep interactions respectful and constructive so we can effectively address any concerns you may have.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.