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OBSOLETE - Davey SpaQuip Spa Power 400 SP400 Control System

This product is obsolete or unavailable.

Scroll down for replacement options.


Obsolete - No Longer Available. We suggest upgrading to SpaNet Mini 1 listed here. Will require replumbing and hard-wiring changes.

Archived Information:

This is the latest version of the Davey Spa Power 400 SP 400 Kit. Last models came with a Titanium Heater Element. SP400P. Available with 1.5kW (10A) or 2.0kW (15A) heater. Uses industry-standard AMP plugs. 

Replaces older Spa Power 400, Spaquip / Aquaswim / Aquapacific Pulsar Series (1, 2, 3 and 4 button touchpads without displays), SQ1000, SQ1500 Series, and Monarch / Spaquip Intuitive Series (7 button touchpad with LED bar temp indicator display) spa control system replacement retrofit. 

Straight (no-plumbing) replacement for Ampac Pulsar series and Intuitive series. See Options below & ensure you order the correct kit. Does not require replumbing.

Options for Equipment: 

Ensure this will work with your system, as Ampac/Pulsar had many variations. Remember that when upgrading from Ampac/Pulsar system, your leads will need to be changed to the AMP-style overmoulded leads.

  • Option 1: 1 x 1-speed pump plus 1 x Blower
  • Option 2: 1 x 2-speed pump plus 1 x  Blower (must use Variable Speed Blower)
  • Option 3: 2 x 1-Speed Pumps 
  • Other Options: If you have more than above, we suggest opgrading to the SpaNet Mini 2 (requires re-plumbing)

About the Versions:

  • 10A version comes with a 10A lead & 1.5kW element, leaving 3-4A to use on up to a 1HP pump. Allows a total load of 10A. 
  • 15A version comes with a 15A lead & 2.0kW element, leaving 6-7A to use on either a 1.5HP pump & small blower, or a 2HP pump. Allows a total load of 15A

Historical Information:
Ampac Intl. Pulsar Aquaswim Aquapacific Intuitive spa control systems were invented and made in New Zealand before SpaQuip took them over. Then several years ago, Davey bough SpaQuip, discontinuing most parts. The SP400 was then made to replace the majority of the Ampac Pulsar systems. 

 SP400 SP 400

Warranty Information - We do not endorse Bromine tablets on any spa heater.