Obsolete - No Longer Available - If you have a gas heater, or heat pump, there are possible replacements (along with Bridge Controller).
See Replacement Options Below:
- 0.35HP Pump Suitable for spas without external heaters and where pump is used only for circulation and built-in electric heaters.
- 0.75HP Pump Suitable for Astral HX 70, HX 120, Raypak 131 Spartan, and Most Heat Pumps
- 1.0HP Pump Suitable for Astral HX 70, HX 120, JX 130, JX 160, HiNRG 175, HiNRG 250, Raypak 131 Sparta, Raypak 200, Raypak 280, and Other Heat Pumps
- For Viron 250, 350, 450 Gas Heaters, Raypak 350, Raypak 430 or where used to run Jets, contact us for information.
Archived Info:
2-speed spa pump. Perfect for low-speed for normal filtration, and ramping up to power a gas heater. These are commonly found on Spa Industries spas, and used with gas or heat pump hybrid systems for spas.
Requires Turbo-Tech Bridge Control. The Circ-3 can save up to 97% on your energy bill for water circulation.
Turbo-Tech Circ-3 variable speed circulation pump. This will not operate without a Circ-3 Bridge Controller and a compatible spa pack.
High-Speed: 1.5hp / 1050w rated pump / 310lpm
Low-Speed: 110w / 150 lpm low